Friday, December 18, 2009

Exorcism of Toilet Paper

No more using Ryan's laptop anymore because the pc is back from the hospital .Well,conference was one hect of an event with 700 people from various states and the most lively students were the schools from Ipoh.With one of teh guys quote ''Satu Malaysia'' ..yeh There's a tattoo LOA on his forehead .The ice breaking session under the shinning madly hot sun was ridiculous but it was dead funny to watch other people doing the same thing as we are haha .Boring but a few were interesting talks about daily life were okay I guess .Everyone made new friends right?so yeh it was awesome not forgetting,the sleepover 6 mande(s) in the room.You guys were awesome to talk to and well great listeners.Dirty tricks we pulled off using the header haha Sara,you the man la haha .The sweet delicate smell of Mcdonalds before heading to the small cubical room really changes everything HAHA .It's kind of obvious but red headed faces were so normal during the 4 days and don't act like you don't know lol cause I'm of them .Waking up at 6 something seriously was easy haha because there are so many people who didn't even sleep and just went crazy even though the guards were just outside of the dwelling.Boys flirting with girls in the other block failed haha Govin sorry man HAHA .

The performance didn't go according to the last minute plans but it went all good right Jana? haha .It's short but at least the crowd did not sleep .The Taken !~!Well have to wait for Thatchu to come back to hear his sexy voice saying this sentence aloud haha
It's all fate,there's nothing we can do about it
Photos were taken by Jia since day one,in the bus .haha .I can see him running everywhere taking shots of people with his DSLR camera .Don't tempt me laaaa.Group 7 ...yeh the only people I knw is only Kern Yeung haha but the performance for Talent Time was awesome .BUT the dude he did the Bee Gees .HAHAHAHAHA God bless you HAHAHA .I'm missing Conference already .Such pleasant memories with Mr.ANTHONY so called ladies man hahaha.''We are all working people'' .Alright after all these rocking in our head,back to reality where there's tuition and loads and loads of homework.Friday people, can't wait till it's dark where the music is turn on out so loud AND FIFA 10 ! (: .I'm not wrong or anything but sorry is not in my dictionary starting from now.

Jack's Mannequin-Dark Blue

I love her

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