Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cause without you things go hazy

My breakfast was ruined by Animal Planet...Thank you very much Astro and Chelsea drew yesterday.These past few days were really crazily awesome.It felt like we're stepping on no man's land and doing killer awesome things .5 days sleeping at 4 .Somebody has been abusing the holy skype already .I woke up early today and It made me felt like I'm diurnal again.Holiday has been great since the start of it and to my fellow mates,just a pleasant thank you for the awesome days which are still going on for a few days more .Laughing,gossiping and just talking like we known each other in decades is deliriously needed and obviously never forgetting her alright.;)I'm having a whale of a time with you guys and I'm feeling next year,everything is gonna be different.I hope that never happen and it will be perpetual as ever.Time has been playing good roles in forwarding time in a speed of light.Bitchness of time LOL.3 more days then 2010 arrives in a golden carpet .We're seniors already by then and haha okay .That was weird ..Mom is already bugging me about next year's dramatic exam but lets just not get to that part yet alright.Not being absent-minded here but I'm eating like I never eaten before and I blame Jana .You bloody eating machine .The guilt in me when you're taking food like the size of mount kinabalu and not stopping.

Okay bullshitted too much.Christmas was awesome as usual .The gifts I got from the family really kills not to have it.It will be like in a cage and the presents are like 5 inches away .We celebrated in the afternoon because some of them needed to attend a wedding at night .I was really looking forward for a night thingy but it was okay .At least we celebrated together as one,a family.Lets create a random show like The Simpsons .The Seahs HAHAHAHA.Instead of not going to Aaron's party,I went .The crappy dance we made haha.I think Sara took a video of it.DEH,TANI TANI LOL.And for the ladies man party,haha I went to Jana's house withJia tagging along.He came to my house first after tuition.Like the above,we ate a lot and filled the stomachs with fried reddish chicken.After the party,went to Jana's house to watch Chelsea's game.Dude,sorry for like shouting like a mad fella when we almost scored .Cech diving towards the post ...really really funny.I'm home all day and my dad was like watching MUTV on 811 like for 2 hours .It made my eyes turned blotchy red laaaa.Looking at the old freak chewing his gum.Going out to TGI for Ryan's birthday later at night.

I don't want to think about the sucky times I had before.I never want to t
hink about it.Resolutions to be made before 2010,I hope I'll follow it throughout the semester.Well,she's back tomorrow and thatchu was back yesterday haha.MANHATTAN FISH MARKET SARKKKKKSSSSSS.Checkout the playlist.Songs to be listen before we're dead by aliens haha.Happy New Year guys .Man,I wanna die now

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