Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I could watch you dance for hours

I'm completely fried,cooked,char kuey teow-ed and burned seriously.The rising temperature nowadays is seriously slowly killing me and we're acting like dummies playing our hearts out under the scorching sun.I played like crap for the first game like always. I usually messed up the first game and the bloody guy keeps advising and giving long lectures to me which I don't need them .You're destroying the teams motivation with your big fat mouth.

My whole entire body is aching especially my back which is giving me problems for so long and she scolded me because she's tired of hearing me complain about my back .I didn't even asked for this and you just unleashed it just like that.She can go far more than this and I'm waiting to be sliced in a matter of days.I know what to do and I don't want it to be crushing down and the fault to blame is me.I slept in the bus this now but it was just for a while.The others were making ear-splitting noise at the back and the driver freaking fags.I've been observing him since day one and the intake of cigarretes he usually have is seriously annoying.Anyways,I tried sleeping after showering but I didn't for some reason.I'm sick,I'm tired,I'm moody and I've got a feeling I might get hit by car now if I just stand outside of the road now.

I'll give my best shot but I just need a booster dose to keep me alive .Pressurise by people seriously is not my thing to bare but I can ignore but how much longer can I ignore people who I see everyday.Give me a mirror and i'll stare not knowing that bastard is me .

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