8809 -Acs basketball farewell was awesome .Yes i got pushed to the pool several times .Thx to Adrian and Wei Long .People!!! I got a twitter HAHAHA well .Go get one . Other news, those who are having the flu.Get well soon .Go get yourself inject with stuff I do not know .Don't spread to me because I'm getting the flu already.Me, watching people wearing mask = WEIRD .Thank you Chee yuan for sending me to tuition on Thursday .Special thx to Ethan for getting the Mtv World Stage tickets..I owe you a lot.Just madwe my day cause it was gloomy and ..well,judge it .You can read my diary because your on every line CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUGFRESHMAN FRESHMAN FRESHMAN FRESHMANDO SOMETHIN CRAZY DO SOMETHIN CRAZY DO SOMETHIN CRAZY DO SOMETHIN CRAZYKEGSTAND KEGSTAND KEGSTAND KEGSTANDThis song is what I want to hear after my SPM next year .
9809-Basketball training in the morning.Currently,doing the Est crap folio sigh.. Well,just heard Kelly Clarkson-Already Gone..It's awesome .Tonnes of homework..So,chimo
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