If your thinking form 4 is so called a honey moon year.Think again ..Logarithms is so hard .I can die.. not to say physics is easy .It's equal .It's like doing a question and the random part of you will be saying ''APA MACAM'' ..It's never a talking point ,I tell you..I'm soooo dead.Exam on the 13th and it bloody ends on the 27th .It's like a taking one or two papers a day.Now,The exam papers are double the hour .Our class recently got the schedule of the exam date already and Raymond a\l Sawarimuthu first impression was ''Moral 2 and the half hours ah.. walaueh'' so I started laughing my butts off...I know that I'm not those who are brilliant in their studies .I just needed time to think and come down to earth where there's life .Anyways,I'm not even counting the amount of homework these crazy teachers give to use nowadays.Including the idiot who ask us to copy the 3 komsas shit in the book..The weather still annoys me A LOT ! BOW'S BIRTHDAY COMING SOON ON CHANNEL 1IWANTTOMOOWITHYOU ..www.Iwanttomoowithmsmoo.com HAHA ..
Sometimes when I look at family pictures,I'll smile for about 10 seconds knowing that I;m still alive .It get me motivated sometimes but nowadays , not getting to see my family much ..it sarks .It's having 16 bullets in me knwing that I;m 16 now.God,help me ;
Maybe I'm drunk
Maybe I drink
Maybe its a suicide
Maybe It kills
What if there's just one second looking
Would you?
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