Thursday, January 1, 2009


What you know..It's 2009.I've been crazy in 2008 and I promise I WILL be crazier in 2009...Next year is gonna be hectic with schedules like tuition plus school.I got the feeling of not going back school.I'm lazy as usual but it's a must.Starting of the year is always like that..It do sark.Anyways,I did gardening with my parents on Monday afternoon because my dad said I needed fresh air..pfttt but it turned out to be fun actually.We talked hell a lot of crap=D .Things that I think Roxanne nor Ryan knows.For instant,my grandmom used to run with the rattan chasing my dad for being extremely naughty.Haha .He said I was seriously like him when I was small, minded.It's a shame I can't remember anything when I was small except for they taking extra good care of me.I appreciate them 100%.I wasn't always that perfect around the family but I don't mind.They still stood beside me .Secondly,my dad's first occupation was a Sailor.LOL.Okay,we just got back our results.I'm pleased with it....It isn't the number 7 okayy..But I'm still thankful about it.I'm glad I didn't disappointed my parents.That was the good part ..something like a credit actually haha .And,those who got 7A's..Congrats,go make yourself a bottle of champagne or something LOL.I've been watching the TV too often..That's great haha..I was told school is gonna reopen.Maybe I'll get a drink before heading for it..I'll fly to school with a machine gun..BYE 2008 AND HELLO 2009
It's not who you are,
It's who I am to you,
Why are you taking every breathing easily?
Be safe,Drive around

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